Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Lean into the Storm! by Yvonne Weers

Today's post is by Yvonne Weers. Enjoy!

Do the storms of your writing career feel like a tornado of whirling emotions? Believe me, I’ve taken a direct hit or two. But God didn’t promise me smooth sailing. Instead, he taught me that even the most fragile person can find strength to weather a storm.

Some years ago, my husband and I, along with our two school-aged children, rented a beach-front condo at the Lake of the Ozarks. At the time I was suffering from a long undiagnosed illness and one symptom was chronic fatigue. So, I rarely explored vacation spots with my family, opting instead to stay behind and rest.

Alone at the condo, I’d pleaded with God to heal me, as I often did, or at least lead me to a doctor who could diagnose this mysterious illness. But it seemed his answers were always the same: “Focus on Me. Live each day in the moment. And trust my timing.” I wish I could say I took it well. But alas, many days I failed at waiting on God.

That night, sirens blared, so I turned on the news to learn a tornado was heading our way. As I closed the living room drapes, lightning flashed in continuous strobes illuminating the whitecaps on the bay. Boats rocked fiercely against their moorings, and the rain came down in horizontal sheets. But there on the shore stood a single blue Herron, bracing against the wind.

Fascinated, I lingered mesmerized by the scene, unable to tear myself away. I couldn’t help but think, “Scat, you dumb bird! Find some shelter! Don’t you know you’re in danger?” But he wouldn’t budge. Would he survive the tornado?

I watched in complete awe as something wholly unexpected happened. That magnificent creature stretched out its long neck and leaned into the wind. The harder it blew, the stronger he stood!

And then it hit me; if a fragile bird can endure such a battering, could I do it too? The answer dropped into my heart like a gentle whisper, “Lean into the storm like the Herron! You’re going to be okay.”

God instructed me to be tough and steadfast like a bird in a storm. He didn’t answer my prayer the way I wanted him to. Instead, he taught me how to endure my illness. What a valuable lesson for many things in life.

I’m happy to report that after forty years I have a diagnosis. Lyme Disease, the great mimicker of many diseases. Since then, I’ve finished treatments and gained a new lease on life through my arduous journey. As far as my writing career goes…well, let’s just say I’m amid the whirlwinds of the publishing world and still standing. I know now that God’s timing is perfect. One day I’ll be a published author. But until then, I’m leaning in.

Author Bio
Yvonne Weers is a California transplant who settled in the flyover country of Nebraska. She writes short mysteries for Woman’s World Magazine, and novels filled with suspense and inspirational romance. Connect with her on the Internet at:

Friends, I sure hope you enjoyed Yvonne's post!

Thank you so much for joining us here today, Yvonne!

If you'd like to submit a devotion or a writing related post or a post on another topic, just let me know.
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  1. Oh, I love this story!
    And I'd be thinking the same thing, " dumb bird."

    So glad you were finally were given a diagnosis.

  2. Amazing analogy and what a wonderful way for God to speak to you. I will embrace this lesson as the storms of this world continue to blow.

  3. This is beautiful! That story of the bird paints a powerful image. We can so often glean powerful insights from nature.

    Nothing's ever wasted with God! Not a single tear, or suffering groan. But oh, waiting can be so hard.

  4. Wonderful testimony, Yvonne. So amazing you were willing to listen for God’s voice.

  5. Thanks so much for being here today, Yvonne! Great post. I love this: “Lean into the storm like the Herron! You’re going to be okay.” So true!

  6. What a powerful testimony! Thank you for sharing your journey!

  7. Yvonne, this brought tears to my eyes. Such an amazing testimony from an awesome woman of God! Bless you my friend, lean in and watch will God will do!!

  8. I'm so glad you finally got a diagnosis and that you are doing better. I love the story of the heron in the storm. A good lesson for all of us.

  9. Wonderful story. You described it so beautifully. And I'd say you're already a published author. Continued success, my friend!

  10. Love this, Yvonne! Thank you so much for sharing such an uplifting, encouraging story!

  11. Thanks so much for being here today, Yvonne!!

  12. Beautiful, Yvonne. You are a shining example of allowing God to be strong in weakness. Your time is coming!
