Tuesday, December 1, 2015

5 Editors Tackle the 12 Fatal Flaws of Fiction Writing by C S Lakin

Every author needs this book on their shelf. From nothing happening to too much backstory to body parts behaving badly, this book has it all and tells you how to fix it with examples you can follow. Don't have the money to hire an editor for your novel? Use this book, one of several in the Writer's Toolbox Series, to mark your own book up in red. The fun part of this book is being able to read each entry and then determining what is wrong with it before you read the answer. Not quite sure what is wrong? That is okay, because the fatal flaw is fixed right before your eyes.

Each of the editors tackles a part of each flaw in each section. It's like having a personal conversation about your writing flaws with C S Lakin, Christy Distler, Linda Clare, Rachel Starr Thomson, and Robin Patchen. At the end of each flaw section, is a checklist, so you can go through your own manuscript and eradicate those flaws before an editor ever sees them. And as part of the checklist, a passage for you to apply what you learned. The 12 fatal flaws are presented in a conversational tone to make learning fun and engaging. This book is a great tool to bring your writing to a higher level.

I received a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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