Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Purpose of Passion by Kurt Bruner and Jim Ware

The Purpose of Passion
By: Kurt Bruner and Jim Ware

The Purpose of Passion is about “discovering what one of the world’s greatest love stories says about the meaning of romance,” according to the back cover. We follow Dante’s The Divine Comedy to see Dante’s epic vision of romantic love. From falling in love to love fulfilled, we can connect the dots between human romance and the epic love story between God and His people.
While reading this book, I felt like I was getting a breakdown of Dante’s writings. You follow Dante as he proceeds with Virgil through Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. This book explains Dante’s Romantic Vision, and he hopes his vision will ignite within you as you read it, which in turn will create a greater fire of godly passion. From the first sparks of a look, to being rejected or left alone, to marrying the person who completes you, Dante shows how this is in line with what God wants, so you can then be who God wants you to be. “God hardwired you for relationship with the opposite sex as a foretaste of the ‘happily ever after’ for which you were made.”
Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy in exchange for posting a review. I enjoyed reading this book, and seeing how Dante tied love between humans to love between God and His people.

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