Sunday, January 27, 2013

Wishing on Willows By: Katie Ganshert

What do you do when you have suffered so much loss and pain you don’t know how to move? Robin knows how that feels, and when Jed Johnson shows up in her café after his wife has died, Robin wants to treat him to a hot egg soufflé. But, her oven won’t work. The Willow Tree café was started by Robin and her husband. When he died, it was just her and their son Caleb. Now, Ian McKay wants to tear down her business and build condos. Will she let him? Not a chance. What she doesn’t know is that he is just as stubborn and determined to pull this deal off so his family will be proud of him again as she is to hold on to her cafe. Robin is told by many people that things will work out, God will provide, but how is that possible if she loses her café? She will hold on to the end and fight everybody that stands in her way. Will she discover what God’s way is before it is too late? Can Ian talk her into selling since he has so much more at stake? Katie Ganshert does a wonderful job in Wishing on Willows, drawing you in and creating characters that you can’t wait to read more about. If you haven’t read Wildflowers from Winter you don’t have to read it first. Wishing on Willows teaches how to let go and let God. You can’t control outcomes, cancer, deaths, or developers. Even though you are overcome with loss, there is still hope. Hope in God, faith, love. Ian’s mother says that if that pain brings us to the throne of God, if it brings us to our knees before the King of Kings, there is amazing grace in that. Reading Robin’s story has given me hope that even though things don’t work out as I expected, God still loves me and is still in control. God has perfect timing, even though we may not be able to see it at first. Enjoy Katie Ganshert’s latest novel and see how Robin discovers God’s will for her life in the midst of her sorrow and confusion and how God equips Robin and Ian to move past their pain and loss to find the hope, peace, and love that God has for them.

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