Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Don't Get Discouraged on the Journey by Sally Shupe

Don’t Get Discouraged on Your Journey

At the beginning of the year, we planned a trip in March. Needless to say, it got canceled due to COVID-19. We were disappointed, discouraged, upset, but there was nothing we could do about it. We had to wait. Until, finally, we were able to go on our trip late last week. The trip was for fun, and since it had been canceled once already, we were really looking forward to it. Even though it got canceled, that didn’t diminish the fun we had on this trip. If anything, it made it that much sweeter. We had been anticipating this trip. Planning for this trip. And once we were on the road, we couldn’t wait to get to where we were going. But you know something? Our writing journey can affect us in the same way.

One year we headed to the beach in South Carolina. We got lost along the way. But, we got to see some cool sights along the way that we wouldn’t have gotten to see if we hadn’t gotten lost. We came across an airplane parking lot. It was so fun seeing all those parked airplanes!

While here on this trip, we went riding through town (Valparaiso and Niceville, Florida) trying to learn our way around. We found a park next to a body of water with boats in the water and airplanes and military jets flying overheard. It was fun to sit in the car and eat while watching the water and the sky.

So, if your writing journey isn’t turning out as you thought it would, don’t get discouraged. Many times not following the path you had planned makes the journey seem harder, longer, and not as fun. Do you sometimes feel like your writing journey is the same way? Did you think you’d be published already? Or have more books published by now? Now, think about the things you’ve learned, the people you’ve met during this time, the feedback you’ve received, the encouragement that’s been given to you. How your writing has changed and grown.

Don’t get discouraged when things don't seem to go your way. Pray about your situation and listen to what’s happening around you. You’re writing is growing, your connections are growing. Use this time to fine-tune your craft, your audience, your voice. And pray. Pray about the connections you make, the feedback you receive. Pray about your writing. Instead of being discouraged, pray for opportunities.

And then, when your first book, your third, your fiftieth is published, you will remember the journey with fondness, the accomplishments will be that much sweeter.

Every reader enjoys hearing about an author’s first call of acceptance. What was yours? For the reader, what is something that took you awhile to accomplish? Let’s cheer each other on!


  1. Thank you for the encouraging Post, Sally!

    A few months ago, who would've thought I would be so excited to go out eat in a restaurant?

    I would've loved to publish my first book, but looking back, I don't think it would've been good for me. I've learned to so much more by having to work through rejections and studying the craft.

    Your positive attitude is contagious!

    1. Hi Connie!! Thank you so much! We just got back from Florida visiting with our son. We ate out while down there, but kept looking around. It felt really strange. I have learned so much from feedback in contests and reading craft books. Just like practicing makes you a better musician or ball player or crocheter, so does continually writing make you a better writer. Thanks for stopping by!
