Tuesday, June 23, 2020

What Is Your Response?

Thanks for joining me on my blog! Praying your day is going well. Enjoy this post!

Remember Jonah and the whale in the Bible? God calls Jonah to warn Nineveh to repent. Jonah doesn't want to do what God called him to do. He runs away, boards a boat, and thinks he's escaped. Then a big storm arises and he ends up being tossed overboard and getting swallowed by the whale. He thought if he ignored what God wanted him to do, he could skip over that part and go on to something else.

(This is Milo, hiding.)

How did Jonah respond? By running away. What is our response to God's call on our life? How are we using the talents God has given us? Whether it is a talent for writing, or encouraging, or ministering, or serving, or something else, are we using that talent? Or, are we like Jonah and running away until a better talent comes along? Are we burying our talent so others won't know that we are writing for Him, or singing for Him, or witnessing to others? Are we just barely using our talents? Just enough to say that we are using them, but not to the full potential God intended?

We should be excited to use our talents!

We should look for ways to use our talents for Him, to grow our talents to inspire others, to encourage others. As writers, we should write, sharing God's love with others through stories, devotions, songs. As encouragers, we should look for opportunities to share a smile, a good word, to lift up those around us.

Pray for opportunities to grow your talents. The more you write, the more you study the craft of writing, the stronger your writing becomes. The same with other talents. Are you using your talents for God, or hiding them away, hoping nobody sees them?

We should be excited to use our talents for God. What is your response? What is your talent and how are you using it for Him?

Thanks for stopping by!

Leave a comment so I know you're here. Follow my blog so you don't miss a post. I'll be posting here on Wednesdays. I also post the first Thursday of the month at https://seriouslywrite.blogspot.com/

Check out my website, and sign up for my newsletter. https://sallyshupe.weebly.com/


  1. I so enjoy reading your writings. Thinking about this blog lead me to a question. Do you have a talent for a lifetime or is it just for a season?
    Milo is such a ham!

    1. That's a very interesting question. Sometimes, in certain circumstances, I wonder if certain talents are used that you didn't know you had, or worked for that time in particular. For instance, being around someone who is going through something and saying just what they needed to hear, when usually you don't share words of encouragement, or feel like you don't have words to share. Maybe some talents are for just a time as this, like with Esther.
      As in the story in the Bible regarding the talents, one was taken away and given to the other. Maybe if you don't use your talent, God will give that talent to someone else who will use it when it's needed.
      Great question!
